human reproduction:

The stork and the airplane


Where do ALL babies come from? And what makes family?

Suggested time: 2 hours

Target Audience: Kids and families

A fun, new approach to understanding human reproduction - that is inclusive of every human being and every family structure. Equally. 

  • Egg and Sperm Delivery Systems

  • Where do baby-making ingredients come from and how do they get to where they need to go to make a baby? 

    • Ovulation, ejaculation, surgery

    • Egg and sperm freezing

    • Egg and sperm donors and surrogates

    • Fertilization

  • How do eggs and sperm unite - inside and outside the body, on their own and with help - to make a baby?

    • Sexual intercourse, Insemination, IVF

    • Surrogates

  • All Kinds of Families: adoption, foster, single-parent, same-sex, blended, extended, etc.